Absolutely any man, whether he is young or aged, can become impotent. In fact, impotence is an extreme degree of dysfunction of the penis of a man in the form of lack of erection, which does not allow him to carry out sexual intercourse. Quite often, impotence can be accompanied by a lack of libido, faster ejaculation, lack of a sense of orgasm, which negatively affects the psycho-emotional state of a man and his social status, worsens relations in the family and in society as a whole.
It is necessary to distinguish the concept of “erectile dysfunction” and “impotence“. The first concept describes the violation, a decline of erection, while impotence is a complete lack of it, that is the ultimate extent of the breach.
There are two types of impotence — primary and secondary. About primary impotence say, when a man never in life not experienced normal erection.
Quite often, impotence can be accompanied by a lack of libido, faster ejaculation, lack of a sense of orgasm, which negatively affects the psycho-emotional state of a man and his social status, worsens relations in the family and in society as a whole
The secondary means that the man previously had a normal erection. It is believed that sexual dysfunction weakens with age, but if a man does not have diseases that cause erectile dysfunction, his sex life can last up to 60 years!
The causes that lead to impotence:
1) “Sedentary” lifestyle
Men who spend too much time behind the wheel, whether they are ordinary motorists or professional drivers, are more prone to impotence. Prolonged presence of the body in a sitting position leads to a lack of blood supply to the prostate, the appearance of stagnation, inflammatory phenomena.
2) overweight
Leads to a large load on the heart, joints and muscles, the man moves less, therefore, because of this, his sexual desire is reduced.
3) Alcohol
If a man for a long time uses strong alcoholic beverages, it can lead to a violation of the proper operation of the prostate. Gradually cavernous bodies cease to blood-fill in full, which leads to the impossibility of sexual intercourse. In addition, alcohol affects the nervous system. When a man is drunk, he is able to have sex longer, however, this is not a positive moment, since the sensitivity during sex is significantly reduced.
4) Smoking
In the process of Smoking, carbon monoxide is released from tobacco smoke, which captures oxygen. Occlusion of vessels, especially thin vessels of the penis, occurs. Erection weakens, because it reduces the delivery of blood to the penis. The composition of tobacco includes harmful substances that do not have the best effect on the production of sex hormones, as a result of which a man’s sexual desire is reduced.
5) Vegetarianism
In plant foods, not enough fat is needed to produce the hormone testosterone, which leads to sexual dysfunction. Therefore, it is necessary to include meat products in your diet.
Myths concerning the issue of potency:
Myth one. Size matters.
Quite a common misconception. Sexual activity actually depends on the hormonal background of a man. Therefore, do not focus on the size of the genitals.
Myth two. The decrease in potency occurs only at the age of more than 40 years.
It all depends on the health of men, his hormonal activity. The stronger his sexual Constitution, the longer he is able to have sex. There are young people 20 years old who suffer from impotence for health reasons, as well as men over 60 years old, with good health and even able to conceive children.
In addition, researchers have shown that a man with a higher social status is much more confident, pays more attention to his health and therefore leads a more active sexual life.
The third myth. Injections of the hormone testosterone can overcome impotence.
It should be noted that the lack of sex hormones does not always adversely affect sexual function. Hormonal drugs should not be taken on their own, without consulting a doctor, otherwise it will lead to negative consequences not only for sexual life, but also for health in General.
The fourth myth. Impotence is a disease for life.
Impotence is also psychological, in this case a man can not for some reason lead a sexual life (the problem may be related to his partner, for example). In this case, it is necessary to seek the help of a psychotherapist or a sex therapist, who will help to find a way to solve the problem.
If a man suffers from impotence, having an organic nature, he will help the andrologist doctor, who will prescribe treatment. If the case is severe, the doctor may recommend phalloprosthesis, but such an operation is very expensive.