The first signs of impotence in young men
Often, young people complain of a reduction in erection, the emergence of problems with potency. This is a big blow for any man, and even more so for a young man. This situation brings the man a shock, both at the physical and psychological level, so not everyone can immediately admit to himself about the existing disease. However, this disease requires a quick solution and treatment.
What can cause a violation of erectile function:
- Physical causes. These are neurogenic, vascular, hormonal diseases;
- Psychological impotence. The main cause of the violation of potency in young people;
- Iatrogenic. As a rule, the use of certain drugs, medical manipulations can be an impetus for the development of impotence.
Vascular causes include all diseases that are accompanied by vascular damage, including those that are responsible for the blood supply of the genital organs. Blood supply to the prostate gland and penis decreases, hence the development of impotence. Vascular pathology accompanies numerous diseases, for example, diabetes, atherosclerosis. In such cases, impotence is already a consequence of the underlying disease.
Neurogenic causes are associated with a traumatic injury, in which nerves, spinal cord, large nerve trunks were affected, and also develops after a stroke, peripheral nerve diseases, and the central nervous system.
Hormonal impotence for the most part is the result of a decrease in testosterone levels. This can be in older men, as a natural result of aging, and also in younger men as a result of hypogonadism.
Psychological impotence signs in young people as a result of a complex relationship with parents, especially in adolescence. Of great importance is the sexual education of boys.
Any experiences and feelings can affect the potency and cause erectile dysfunction. For example, it may be the experience of getting infected with venereal infections, the fear of getting rejected or being ridiculed. Moral fatigue, underestimated self-esteem, depression and guilt add morale.
An important factor for young men is the relationship with the partner. If they are accompanied by quarrels, humiliation, there is no trust, and there are treason, then it will certainly affect the sexual function. The attractiveness of the partner and his physical condition is important for young men.
The iatrogenic form of the disease is the result of taking medications, for example, in the treatment of gastric ulcer, mental illness, cardiovascular disease.
Young age and impaired erectile function
The first signs of impotence in men can greatly shake self-confidence. But episodic disorders of erectile function are not so terrible if they are caused by such factors: prolonged sexual abstinence, late onset of intimate life, irregular sex, overwork (physical or mental), nutrient deficiency (vitamins for potency and minerals), too active sex life, and also frequent attempts to restrain ejaculation.
Violation of erectile function in men is manifested by such symptoms:
- Erectile capacity is significantly reduced or absent. What does this mean? A man can not lead a penis into a stressed state for sexual intercourse. In this case, a man can have a strong desire.
- The erection remains inferior. This means that the blood in insufficient quantity fills the cavernous bodies. There comes a minor erection, which is not enough to commit sexual intercourse.
- Sometimes a man can not keep a normal erection until the end of the sexual intercourse;
- Ejaculation is premature, the sexual act is short-lived. More common in mature men.
- The morning or involuntary erection disappears at night.
At the man on a psychological background the sexual inclination can disappear, that pulls for itself such problem as sexual impotence.
The more signs of impotence in men observed, the more difficult it will be to eliminate the impairment. It is worth noting that there are physiological conditions when the erectile function disorder is temporary and regular:
- For example, against the background of increased sexual activity in men, a decrease in erectile function is observed. When there is a constant irritation of the receptor structures of the nervous system (brain), the terminal apparatus and the venous sinuses of the penis, the relative resistance to various stimuli gradually develops. The higher the load, the longer and more pronounced will be erectile dysfunction. The work of the genital organs is gradually restored independently;
- The reason that sexual intercourse does not reach the necessary completion may be premature ejaculation. Usually this happens in men who do not have a regular sex life. If you normalize the pace of intimate life, there is a quick return to the usual course. If this did not happen, the reason lies in a more serious problem.
How to treat impotence in young men?
Low libido in men, the symptoms of which should alert everyone, can be treated well if you take up your health at a time. Usually complex treatment, which includes examination by different specialists, diagnostic studies, hormonal background analysis, spermogram and much more.
Violation of potency in men is accompanied by symptoms that are immediately apparent, so treatment usually begins in a timely manner:
- Normalization of the regime of day, rest and work.
- Great value for young men has food. Not surprisingly, some of the cases of erectile dysfunction occurs precisely because of the lack of certain nutrients.
- The first signs of impotence in men can be associated with a psychological state.
- Treatment of such a disease requires work with a psychologist, sex therapist.
- Sex therapy. It is shown to men with weakened libido. Often this applies to married couples with a long period of communication, when it weakens the craving for each other.
Problems with erection in 20-25 years – impotence in youths
The reasons for erectile dysfunction are many. Basically, the erectile function suffers in the presence of the underlying disease:
- Violation of the patency of blood vessels. This can be the result of diabetes mellitus (diabetic angiopathy), atherosclerosis, thrombosis of the pelvic arteries, smoking, insufficiency of the venous circulation network.
- Endocrine diseases strongly affect the state of potency. In this case, not only a lack of testosterone leads to a weakening of the male function, as well as a violation of hormone production by the hypothalamic-pituitary system, the thyroid gland.
- Problems with potency in 20 years often arise against the background of an unstable psychoemotional state. For young people, recognition, self-esteem, and adequate sex education are important. Negatively affect the potency of fear of sexual impotence, fear of getting a rejection of the partner, her attitude to the young man.
Neurological disorders. For young people this is a trauma of the spinal cord or brain, as well as of large nerve trunks. - Diseases or lesions of the penis. There may be an inborn curvature of the organ, as well as injuries received after injuries or surgical interventions.
- Prostatitis caused by pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases.
Why are erectile dysfunction problems dangerous in 20 years?
Every man experiences when there are failures in bed. After all, good potency is an indicator of male viability. The state of potency depends largely on the mental state of the man. The more a man tries not to be nervous, the more he hurts himself. There is a vicious circle: experiences about failure provide the body with even greater stress, as a consequence – deterioration of sexual desire and erectile dysfunction.
Problems with potency at any age, whether 25 years or 40 years, can arise due to bad habits. Nicotine causes a persistent spastic state of the blood vessels, so the blood flow decreases at times and for a long time. This applies to those vessels that are responsible for the blood supply to the penis. In addition, against the background of smoking rapidly develops atherosclerosis, further reducing the lumen of the arteries and veins. Alcohol is no less dangerous for potency. It acts on the central nervous system, on the liver, which participates in the synthesis of hormones and cleanses our bodies of toxins, the more imbalance of hormones is pronounced, the more pronounced impotence appears.
Problems with potency in the age of 20-26 years can arise against the background of taking medications. As a rule, such violations occur after the drug has been discontinued, but young people who constantly take medicines should take care of the health of the male reproductive system.
What drugs can affect the state of potency? For example, for the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. This includes funds for the treatment of hypertension. In young people, hypertension can occur against a background of obesity, as a hereditary disease, as a result of endocrine disorders. Means for the treatment of hypertension have anti-androgenic activity, that is, inhibit the production of testosterone. Without the normal development of this hormone, the functioning of the genital organs and the synthesis of sperm are impossible. It is necessary to understand that sex after 60 years is also possible if you follow yourself in your youth.
Problems with erectile function in 20-27 years and older can arise against the background of taking hormonal drugs, for example, for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Prolonged use of hypoglycemic agents and anabolic drugs leads to the development of fertility and a decrease in sexual function.
In the sexual sphere, drugs for the treatment of mental disorders also interfere. Through the endocrine organs, they affect the work of the gonads in a negative way. The main role here belongs to the mechanism of neurohumoral regulation of the central location, that is, the hypothalamus. The effect on his work of psychogenic drugs is reflected in libido, potency and erectile function in a negative way.
The causes of impotence in 30 years – the psychological background and sexually transmitted diseases
The causes of impotence in 35 years are psychological factors. If a man is properly oriented and has healthy ideas about the sexual life that his parents instilled in the adolescent period, then it will be easier for him to cope with a violation of the erectile function. The remaining young people represent a risk group, because they are very worried about the impression they will make on the partner, whether they will be able to satisfy her. Another cause of the violation of potency is the fear of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. Sometimes this phobia puts guys in a difficult situation, they become withdrawn, especially if you have already had to deal with such diseases.
An important role for the young man is played by harmony in relationships. If the partner is disrespectful, resorts to ridicule and humiliation, one should expect a mental breakdown and the development of psychogenic erectile dysfunction against its background.
At a young age, a man is sexually active and capable of conception and procreation. But for some it becomes a problem. So, a decrease in potency in 30 years can be observed against a background of hypogonadism.
Hypogonadism is a pathological condition in which the secretion of male sex hormones, i.e., testosterone, is reduced in the first place. In such situations, impotence is not an independent disease, but refers to the symptoms of the underlying disease.
For men in adulthood, hypogonadism of secondary origin is characteristic. That is, before his appearance, the sexual function was normal, the man did not suffer from a violation of the erectile function. Secondary hypogonadism can be the result of tumors in the central nervous system, as well as the consequence of trauma, bleeding, and also after surgery on the hypothalamus or pituitary gland.
The disease manifests not only a decrease in the level of sex hormones. Sex organs undergo atrophic changes, infertility, obesity develops, the sexual function is severely affected.
Venereal diseases as the cause of impotence in 30 years
It is not surprising that the active sexual life of men at a young age leads to the fact that venereal diseases become a frequent cause of the disruption of potency. What diseases can cause a decrease in potency in 30 years:
- Chlamydiosis is urogenital. The disease in 70% of cases occurs without symptoms, so it often remains untreated and goes into a chronic form. On the urethra, intracellular pathogens penetrate above: into the prostate, bladder, ducts, causing them to clog. Chlamydia often cause a violation of potency, development of infertility, inflammation of the epididymis.
- Trichomoniasis is urogenital. The disease is transmitted sexually, with later treatment or lack of it leads to the spread of infection to the prostate gland. Of course, in this case the sexual function suffers.
- Ureaplasmosis. The causative agent refers to intracellular microbes, the danger of the disease lies in the fact that the symptoms are often absent. As a result, a man and does not suspect the presence of infection, does not receive treatment. The disease takes on a chronic form.
- Syphilis. The disease is dangerous because it affects all organs and systems. Depending on the stage, the patient has changes in the body that lead to impotence, diseases of the nervous system.
- Gonorrhea. Called gonococcus. In chronic course, prostatitis, epididymitis develops, infertility may develop.
Men’s health after 40 years – the result of a healthy lifestyle
Increasing potency in men after 40 years is an urgent task not only for the stronger sex, but also for the medical profession. Every year a large arsenal of drugs is developed, designed to restore potency or keep it to old age.
Undoubtedly, age affects the quality and duration of erection in men. It is noted that in elderly men blood flow rate, testosterone hormone level is reduced, the elasticity of the vascular walls is markedly deteriorated, as well as the sensitivity of nerve endings. Despite this, such natural changes in the body may not lead to erectile dysfunction, if a man does not have other chronic diseases. Therefore, experts believe that the main cause of impotence is precisely in the presence of another somatic disease.
Reduction of potency after 40 years is almost always due to the presence of arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis or diabetes mellitus.
All these diseases lead to changes in blood vessels. Their elasticity decreases, the lumen narrows, the oxygen needs of the body and its delivery do not match, so oxygen starvation occurs. So, by the age of 40-50, about half of men have atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels, penile blood flow is severely affected.
How does potency change after 40 years?
For men after 40 years, the hormonal background changes, namely, the synthesis of testosterone decreases. Previously, it was called the male climax, now use a different term “hypogonadism.” It implies a decrease in the level of androgen hormones with age. The decrease in hormone production occurs gradually, even in very old age, small amounts of it enter the bloodstream. At 40, about 17% of men suffer from a drop in testosterone, which they themselves feel as a reduction in potency.
Signs of impotence in men in 40 years begin to appear, if the level of testosterone reaches the lower limit of the norm. But hypogonadism can begin at any age. Specific symptoms of lowering the level of male hormones do not exist, all manifestations are individual.
After 30 years, the aging process begins. Signs of a decrease in hormone production can be:
- Disorders from the genitourinary system.
- The fertility of the ejaculate decreases, that is, the ability of a man to fertilize.
The vegetative system, the tone of the vessels also changes: men also experience hot flashes, the face turns red, it becomes hot, it can pour blood to the upper part of the trunk.
- There arises fluctuations in blood pressure, attends a sense of lack of air.
- The change in the hormonal background can not but affect the psychoemotional state: a man becomes irritable, fatigue occurs much faster than before, insomnia worries. A man in a state of hypogonadism is prone to depression, their performance is reduced, their health worsens.
- Hormonal imbalance leads to such manifestations as a decrease in muscle mass, visceral obesity appears, the abdominal type of obesity, the skin becomes thinner and atrophies, and the hair becomes thin.
Men’s health after 40 years is strongly affected by harmful factors. If a man leads a healthy lifestyle, impotence at an early age does not threaten him.
Potency after 50 years is the result of aging or the consequence of the underlying disease?
“How to raise the potency after 50 years?” – this question is asked by almost all men, since sex life is an important component of male dignity, self-sufficiency. Undoubtedly, age affects the duration and usefulness of erection in men, so our today’s publication is devoted to potency after 50 years.
The causes of impotence in men after 50 years are quite simple and understandable. Almost 80% of patients have various physical illnesses that affect sexual life. Thus, erectile disorders, for the most part, are the result of major diseases.
These can be diseases that negatively affect the state of the vascular bed, such as atherosclerosis. Other reasons: hormonal, diseases of the nervous system, pathology of the genital organs, the influence of medication, a combination of several causes.
Serious importance in the development of erectile dysfunction is given to diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension. So, in men, the field of 50 years is 6 times more likely to develop erectile dysfunction if they are sick with diabetes mellitus.
Problems with potency after 50 years arise and against the background of atherosclerosis. Of great importance are factors such as dyslipidemia and bad habits (in particular the effect of smoking on potency). It is the deterioration of blood flow in the genital organs that in 40% of cases causes impotence in men after 50 years.
Arterial hypertension is another cause of erectile dysfunction. And it’s not just a matter of worsening blood flow, but also taking medications to correct blood pressure. For example, beta-blockers, diuretics worsen the patient’s quality of life. during the whole course of therapy with antihypertensive drugs, most men experience some difficulties with sexual functions. That is why the doctor should closely monitor the manifestations of erectile dysfunction in patients on the background of taking these drugs.
Potency after 50 years largely depends on endocrine pathology. So, diabetes mellitus accelerates the onset of impotence for 10-15 years, than in healthy men. The main cause of the violation of potency at this age is polyneuropathy of diabetic origin, angiopathy of vessels of large and small caliber.
Potency after 60 years for men
In general, erectile dysfunction is a disease of elderly men, the result of concomitant diseases, such as diabetes and atherosclerosis. Potency in 60 years is preserved at best in 60% of men at the proper level.
In the old age and the elderly, almost anything can become risk factors: smoking, drinking alcohol, major diseases. But the great importance, according to experts, acquired such causes as endocrine disorders, among which in the first place male menopause, as well as systemic and neurological diseases.
In men after 60 years, the treatment of erectile dysfunction is further complicated by the fact that they are forced to take a large number of medications to treat the underlying disease. It’s no secret that the pharmacological agents of some groups negatively affect sexual function.
The doctor should pay attention to the state of the cardiovascular system in the elderly when prescribing treatment for erectile disorders. The best therapy in this case should be comfortable, painless, non-invasive, effective, safe. Today the restoration of potency after 60 years is not an insurmountable task, because the pharmacy market is rich in various means for raising potency.
It is believed that by the age of 60, most men develop men’s menopause. This is a natural process when there is a decrease in the production of the hormone testosterone. At first this is manifested by a decrease in attraction to a woman. A man can quite fulfill his conjugal duty, but he is too lazy to get up from the couch, to tear himself away from the beloved transfer. Strangely enough, but regular sex at this age is able to maintain the level of hormones at a normal level and promote their more active development.
Excess weight in elderly men
Not surprisingly, men who are overweight are first on the list of those who suffer from erectile dysfunction. Fatty deposits are a “cemetery” for male hormones, because testosterone is retained in fat, deposited there, respectively, its concentration in the blood drops.
Overweight is increasingly found in older men and is almost the main factor in the violation of sexual life. A man not only begins to feel embarrassed about his body, feels that he has become unattractive to the opposite sex. Most often, fat deposits in men concentrate on the stomach. Adipose tissue not only affects the hormonal background, but also becomes a risk factor for the development of hypertension, increased blood lipids, the development of atherosclerosis.
Men’s health after 60 years largely depends on the activity of men. So, experts do not advise elderly people of prolonged abstinence. The more often and more actively the sexual life of a man, the easier and more habitual he has all the natural sexual reactions. In the second half of life it is desirable for the sex life to be regular. The break, which lasted for several months, could completely dislodge a man of 60 years of age from the rut. The function brakes. That is, it deteriorates sharply if it is not used.
Increased potency in men after 60
Recovery of potency after 60 years should not rely strictly on medicamental means. We will talk about other methods, no less effective than the drugs:
- Strengthening of important muscles. It’s about the muscles of the pelvic floor. At first, these exercises were developed for women, but later it turned out that their implementation helps to avoid and cope with many problems. Exercises are aimed at training the muscles of the perineum, pelvic floor. For example, a man can delay urination for a few seconds. Such a muscle strain can be performed not only during a trip to the toilet, but also while sitting upright. Strain muscles up to 50 times, training is repeated three times a day.
- Do yoga. For example, for men there is a specially designed kundalini yoga. It is aimed at increasing sexual energy. Positions performed correctly, increase libido, male activity, are useful for muscle tone. Especially useful postures are a butterfly and a cobra. If you have not practiced yoga for potency, you should start gradually and observe precautions.
- Aerobic exercise. Of course, not all of them are shown at the age after 60 years, but after consulting with a doctor you can choose a suitable option for yourself. This can be cycling, easy running, daily exercise, as well as simple walking at a fast pace through fresh air.
How to strengthen erectile function after 60 years, based on the principles of proper nutrition? Many people know that potency suffers with irrational nutrition. This may be a lack of vitamins, minerals, proteins, as well as a simple energy deficit. Fill the menu with nuts, protein food, fresh vegetables and fruits. For the elderly, the first place is the rejection of fatty foods, bad habits.
Treatment of sexual disorders can not be one-sided. Usually, drugs are prescribed that improve blood flow, secretion out of the prostate, vitamin complexes, minerals, plant substances.